Understanding Your Most Dominant Vibration: Transform Your Life Through Energy

Understanding Your Most Dominant Vibration: Transform Your Life Through Energy

What is Your Dominant Vibration?

Have you ever wondered why certain feelings seem to dominate your life in relation to specific subjects? Let’s delve into the concept of dominant vibration and explore how it shapes your emotional landscape.

The term “dominant vibration” might sound abstract, but it’s rooted in a simple idea: emotion is energy in motion. Emotions are created by countless energy particles—electrons, protons, and neurons—that form a unique frequency. As humans, we interpret these frequencies as feelings. When you focus on a particular subject and evoke a specific feeling, that’s your dominant vibration in action.

Identifying Your Dominant Vibration

Consider a subject in your life. Do you feel resentful, guilty, frustrated, impatient, excited, grateful, happy, or exhilarated about it? Whatever feeling arises when you focus on this subject is your dominant vibration. It’s a culmination of your habitual thoughts and beliefs, a story you’ve crafted over time. This story is fueled by the energy and attention you’ve given it.

The Power of Focus and Attention

Your dominant vibration isn’t static; it’s a product of continuous focus and attention. If you’ve spent years thinking about a subject in a certain way, you’ve created a natural default in your emotions and thoughts. This default can be challenging to change, especially if you’re working alone. Your thoughts, beliefs, stories, ideas, perceptions, and assumptions all contribute to this dominant vibration.

Shifting Your Perspective

As Abraham Hicks teaches, every subject has two aspects: what is wanted and what is unwanted. When clients come to me, they often express their desires in terms of what they don’t want. For example, someone dealing with anxiety might say, “I don’t want to feel anxious anymore.” But focusing on what you don’t want only perpetuates that dominant vibration.

Creating a New Story

To transform your dominant vibration, you need to shift your focus to what you do want. Instead of thinking, “I don’t want to feel anxious,” imagine how you’d like to feel instead. Perhaps you want to feel calm, safe, in control, settled, and connected to your body. This new focus helps create a positive vibration that aligns with your desires.

A Real-Life Example

Let’s look at a real-life example of this transformation. A client of mine struggled with chronic fatigue for years. She felt like she had to battle her body, viewing it as an adversary. This mindset created resistance and a negative dominant vibration around her health condition.

We started by changing her perception. What if her body was already well? What thoughts, beliefs, and emotions would she experience if she believed in her body’s wellness? Through energy work like EFT tapping, MAP therapy, hypnosis, and coaching, we rewired her thoughts and feelings. She began to see her body with appreciation, gratitude, and love, affirming daily, “I am already well.”

The Results

This shift in focus created a new dominant vibration. Her energy levels soared, her emotions stabilised, and she enjoyed social events without fatigue. When her body needed rest, she listened lovingly, understanding that rest is just another form of self-care.

Take the Next Step

If you’re struggling with a dominant vibration that doesn’t serve you, consider transforming the way you think and feel about your subject. By shifting your focus to what you want to experience, you can create a new, positive vibration that aligns with your desires.

Ready to transform your dominant vibration? Click the link to book your free consultation. Let’s connect and start your journey towards a more vibrant, fulfilling life.

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