So, Christmas is over. The decorations have been packed away for another year. Most of the chocolate has been eaten. And now what? Today is the day when most people return to work, whether that’s working for themselves or an organisation.
And I’m curious about the vibe you’re starting today with.
Is it a sense of energy in your step, feeling like, Yes, I’m ready to dive in—this is going to be my best year yet for so many different reasons? Or, when the alarm went off, was it more of a feeling of, Oh, here we go again?
I often hear people talking about “getting back to the grind”. And while I understand the phrase, personally, I feel that if life feels like a grind, something isn’t working. If life feels like a grind, then something needs to change.
What I want for you is to start this year with energy in your step, with a spark in your spirit and fire in your belly. I want you to feel confident, inspired, excited, and grounded—full of possibilities for what’s ahead.
And to generate those feelings, we need to create the right foundation.
Think of it like an athlete preparing to compete. There are specific routines and practices they use to get themselves “in the zone.”
Here I’m going to share with you some of my key insights and golden nuggets to help you lay the groundwork so you’re ready to make 2025 your most amazing year yet!
For me, my word for 2025 is intention.
When I think about the word intention, it’s got power behind it!. It feels like laying down a path with clear focus and saying, This is what we’re doing. It’s the energy of decisiveness. It’s about backing yourself 100%.
Imagine an Empress, grounded and powerful, declaring with clarity, This is the path I’m taking. That’s what intention means to me—deliberate, focused action without the ifs, buts, or maybes.
When I think about the word intention, I feel its strength. It’s about clarity, alignment, and honouring the promises I’ve made to myself. It’s not about ticking off every single thing at once, but about taking the next step—and the next—and following through.
So here are the things that jumped out for me in 2024 which I intend (see I’m already at it with being intentional!) will sow seeds of inspiration in your mind…..let’s dive in!
Clarity and Intention
Clarity is a game-changer, both in life and in the work I do with clients. It’s something I always focus on: helping my clients get clear on what will let them know they’ve achieved success.
For me, I spent time at the end of 2024 reflecting on my own goals. What does success in 2025 look like for me? And just as importantly, why do I want what I want?
My invitation is to take out your journal or a notebook and spend some time, perhaps away from your usual environment to get those creative juices flowing and start thinking about what you want 2025 to be about for you?
If you’re not clear on your vision for the year, start with this simple question: If everything in your life was exactly as you wanted it to be, how would you know?
It can be helpful to break this into categories such as…
- Health
- Profession/Career
- Personal relationships
- Sex Life (believe me this needs to be on the list!)
- Professional Development
- Family
- Money
- Wellbeing
Clarity is also tied to intention. Without clarity or intention, it’s easy for the year to slip by with nothing truly changing. Don’t let that happen!.
Take the time to define your big-picture goals and create a strategy and specific steps or tactics for what’s going to make your goals happen.
Try these questions to get your imagination fired up…..
- ‘what if I landed my dream job?’
- ‘what if this was my most amazing year yet!’
- ‘what if I could achieve financial freedom?’
- ‘what if I met the person of my dreams?’
- ‘what if I got the promotion?’
- ‘what if I believed in myself?’
- ‘what if I was in a relationship where I was treated with kindness and respect?’
- ‘what if I could shed those last 10 lbs?’
- ‘what would happen if I learned to put healthy boundaries in place?’
- ‘what if this was the year I accepted I am enough? What would I start doing? What would I stop doing?’
- ‘what if I started to prioritise self-care?’
When you ask these kinds of questions in a curious expansive way, you tap into the creativity of your mind. It opens you up to new ideas, solutions, possibilities, and strategies that you might not have otherwise considered.
Stop Complaining
One of the biggest shifts you can make this year is to stop complaining.
Complaining is something we all do—myself included. Whether it’s about the cost of living, the weather (too hot, too cold), family members, work, or anything else, it creeps in.
But what does complaining actually achieve? In my experience, it keeps us stuck.
Complaining holds us in the “ebb” of life rather than the “flow.” Life naturally ebbs and flows—sometimes it’s light and easy, and other times it feels heavy and challenging. When we’re in an ebb, it feels like we’re swimming upstream, and complaining only adds weight to that heaviness.
Think about it: complaining generates emotions like frustration, anger, guilt, or powerlessness. None of these help us move forward.
Instead, I encourage you to shift your mindset. When you catch yourself complaining, ask yourself:
- What needs to happen to improve this situation?
- What’s the easiest thing I can do in this situation?
- What steps can I take right now to help myself?
- Or, what do I simply need to make peace with?
Complaining creates a victim mindset, and that’s an incredibly disempowering place to be. Instead, by focusing on solutions, or letting go of things we can’t control, you’re actively moving yourself into a more empowered, creative state where flow becomes possible again.
The “I’ll Be Happy When” Trap
We’ve all fallen into the trap of thinking, “I’ll be happy when…” Maybe it’s, I’ll feel happy when I get the promotion, or I’ll feel relaxed when things aren’t so busy.
You can replace ‘happy’ with anything: I’ll feel relaxed when….I’ll feel safe when….I’ll be OK when….But the result is always the same: in that moment we are completely disempowering ourselves.
We believe that once something happens, then we’ll feel what we want to experience feeling.
But here’s the thing; feelings like happiness, calm, peace, joy and so on are who we naturally are! They aren’t something we need to wait for. They’re available to us right now.
It’s all the other emotions like frustration, upset, impatience, anger and so on that take us away from our natural state.
One of the reasons I teach EFT tapping to clients is because it helps us work with our emotions in real-time. When we want to feel calm, grounded, or safe, tapping gives us the tools to shift our emotional state and align with those feelings immediately.
Stop basing your feelings on external conditions!. You don’t need permission to feel good—you can create those emotions within yourself.
If you are new to EFT Tapping or don’t know anything about it, do check out the interview I did with Dr. Peta Stapleton – one of the world’s leading experts on the science of EFT Tapping.
Community and Connection
Who do you have in your community that’s supporting you? Who do you have holding you accountable?
The truth is, you can have friends in your life, but that doesn’t necessarily mean they’re the ones championing you, supporting you, or helping you stay accountable to your goals. In fact, some friendships can be draining or even hold you back.
You might have friends who are very negative—spending time with them feels heavy and exhausting. Or friends with a victim mentality, who never take responsibility for their own lives and spend a lot of time complaining. You might have people in your life who are lovely but only talk about themselves, rarely showing an active interest in your life. Others might be great for chatting about surface-level things, but you don’t feel safe enough to be vulnerable with them.
Who we surround ourselves with matters. It’s vital to have people in your corner who lift you up, inspire you, and help you grow.
That’s one of the reasons I made a conscious decision last year to join two groups. I wanted to surround myself with high-performing, driven women who take responsibility for their lives. Women with multiple six- and seven-figure businesses. I also joined a coaching program led by a woman who, like me, went to university in Newcastle and now runs an eight-figure business. I chose her because I wanted someone who could hold me accountable, mentor me, and inspire me to dream even bigger.
But there’s another part to this: I love it when someone really challenges my thought patterns. Being challenged helps me see things in ways I might not have been able to see on my own. Even as a therapist and a coach, I know I still have blind spots.
I’m reminded of a conversation I had last year with one of my first-ever clients, Olivia. When we worked together, we completely turned her life around. Olivia went from being unable to get out of bed and heavily medicated to running three successful businesses of her own.
This was over 13 years ago, and I hadn’t spoken to her for a long time. But she came to mind, so I reached out, and we had a chat. During our conversation, Olivia said something that really stuck with me. She said, “I’d forgotten how good it is to speak to you, Sara, and how you really challenge the way I’m thinking. There are a lot of therapists out there who don’t do that.”
And this is what I mean about being challenged. It’s about having someone in your life who’s willing to ask, Why do you think that? Why are you approaching it this way?
It’s these kinds of conversations—the ones that challenge us—that enable us to grow and expand.
So, if you don’t currently have that kind of community, my invitation is to find it. Seek out people who inspire you, challenge you, and hold you accountable. Get yourself a coach, a therapist, or join a group that will push you to grow. Because surrounding yourself with the right people changes everything.
Daily Practices to Align Your Energy
Another reflection I want to share is about daily practices—the small, intentional things we do each day that feed into what it is we want to create.
Now, I’m not talking about exercise here, although that’s an important part of my life. I’m talking about the daily practices that fine-tune your vibration. Because everything in this world is about vibration.
For me, the daily practice of EFT tapping is a game-changer. I do it every single day. I think of it as a tuning fork for my mind and body. I start my day by asking myself:
- What am I creating today?
- Who do I need to be today to achieve my goals and tick off my to-do list?
- What kind of experience do I want to create today?
To answer those questions, I need to get my nervous system aligned with my intentions. That’s why tapping works so well for me—it helps me tune in and set the right vibration for the day ahead.
I’m not offering it as a prescription but as an invitation. Look at your own life:
- What daily practices do you have in place?
- Are they helping you create the experiences you want?
Maybe it’s EFT tapping, maybe it’s meditation, or perhaps journaling is your thing. Whatever it is, the key is consistency.
If you’ve followed me for a while, you’ve probably heard me talk about this before: consistency creates momentum. These practices don’t have to take a lot of time. It’s not about perfection; it’s about showing up regularly.
So, my invitation to you is to consider what small, intentional practices you can integrate into your daily life. Because when you consistently fine-tune your vibration, you align yourself with the experiences and outcomes you want to create.
The Journey of Self-Mastery
Another insight I want to share as we step into 2025 is around self-mastery. It’s about looking at where you are now versus where you want to be—and identifying the gap.
Often, that gap is a knowledge gap. The question then becomes: What do I need to do to close that gap?
A simple example from my own life: last year, I wanted to make decisions about investing my money. But I hadn’t got a clue about investment strategies, funds, or bonds. So, I picked up a book called How to Own the World by Andrew Craig.
Not only did it help me close the knowledge gap, but it also enabled me to take action and find the right investment funds for me.
I often hear people say, I’m not very good at . But the reality is, it’s rarely about being “not good.” It’s about not having taught ourselves the skills or knowledge that will make a difference in our lives.
For example, last year I decided to build a brand-new website for The Mind Solution, my training company. I chose to use a platform called Kajabi. I’d never worked with Kajabi before, so I was starting from scratch. It took me a couple of months, and a lot of weekends were spent watching YouTube videos and tutorials, but I closed the knowledge gap. But I also invested in support—I worked with a Kajabi coach over the course of three months.
My coach was fantastic. When I had specific questions I couldn’t find answers to, I reached out to her on Voxer and got the guidance I needed. I also joined her Kajabi Academy and, in the end, created something I’m really proud of.
I could have sat back and said, I don’t know how to do this, so I won’t. But that’s never been my mentality.
When I left my HR career to start a business, I knew nothing about running one. That decision put me on one of the steepest learning curves of my life. But it didn’t stop me.
We live in a world where information is everywhere. There’s almost nothing we can’t find an answer to. Whether it’s books, videos, courses, or mentors, the resources are out there—you just need to be willing to find them and put them into practice.
So, as you look at your own goals for 2025, ask yourself: What do I need to learn? What skills or knowledge will help me bridge the gap between where I am and where I want to be? The journey of self-mastery is one of continual growth, and the rewards are well worth the effort.
Let Go of the “How”
I wanted to share this with you because it made me laugh—and it might make you laugh too if, like me, you’re a fan of manifestation and quantum physics.
Earlier this year, I was feeling a little stuck in my training business. I wasn’t sure which direction I wanted to take things. Now, there’s a man I know in Canada, Dominic, who’s a fellow coach. I decided to book a session with him, and during that session, he said something that made me laugh and has stayed with me…. “Take your nose out of the ‘how.’
It was such a simple statement, but it deeply resonated with me because so often, we get tangled up in the how.
If you’re an entrepreneur or running your own business, you’ve probably been there. We can get fixated on strategy, funnels, plans, and metrics. What’s the plan? What’s the exact strategy? How will this all come together? And while those things are important, they can sometimes pull us away from our creativity and intuition.
What Dominic helped me realise was that I needed to step away from all the head-level strategising and reconnect with my heart. I needed to go back to the essence of what I love about my work—why I do what I do—and trust that the “how” would reveal itself.
And let me tell you, the results of that shift were incredible.
Shortly after that session, I had a wave of inspiration for a programme to offer to organisations and HR teams. The clarity came so easily like it was waiting just beneath the surface. And now, as I develop and prepare to launch this programme, I feel so excited about what’s ahead.
The funny thing is, this clarity didn’t come from forcing myself into traditional methods or step-by-step strategies. It came from letting go, listening to my intuition, and trusting the process.
So, as you think about what you want to create in 2025, my invitation to you is this:
- Stay focused on what you want to achieve, but don’t get bogged down in the how.
- Keep writing about your dreams and goals, and keep your focus on the feelings of what you want to create.
Because here’s the truth: some of the things you want to bring into your life this year might not have a clear “how” yet. And that’s okay. It’s not your job to figure out every detail of how things will unfold.
Your job is to stay connected to your vision, take aligned action, and remain open to receiving in ways that might surprise you. Often, the solutions and opportunities come from places you never could have imagined.
Testing for Mental and Emotional Barriers
Another nugget I want to share is about identifying mental and emotional barriers that might be holding you back from achieving your goals. I call this process testing out different realities.
Here’s the thing: the mind doesn’t know the difference between what’s real and what’s imagined. That’s a powerful tool we can use to our advantage. Take one particular goal you want to achieve in 2025, and just as you’d try on an outfit in a shop to see how it looks and feels, “try on” this goal in your mind and body.
For example, let’s say your goal is to:
- Speak on stage,
- Publish a book,
- Land a new job in a different organisation, or
- Get a promotion.
Take a couple of minutes, close your eyes, and imagine yourself doing that thing. Try it on for size. Really tune in to how it feels in your body.
Here’s why this is so important: before emotions arise, there are always inner bodily sensations. If you’re imagining going for that promotion or stepping onto that stage, but it feels uncomfortable in your body, that’s a sign your nervous system doesn’t feel safe with the idea. And if your nervous system doesn’t feel safe, chances are you may self-sabotage when the opportunity arises.
Now, this isn’t a negative thing. In fact, I see it as a positive. If I try something on for size and it doesn’t feel safe or comfortable in my body, I know I’ve uncovered an opportunity to grow.
I can then choose to work with tools like EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) or havening to release and neutralise the fear or resistance. Or, if it feels like a blind spot, I might work with someone else to understand why it’s there and what’s needed to move forward.
Over the years, I’ve worked with so many people who’ve felt stuck and frustrated because they’ve had big ideas, dreams, and desires—but haven’t made them happen. In my experience, this tends to come down to fear or limiting beliefs.
Yes, sometimes it’s about a knowledge gap, like not knowing how to do something. But as I’ve shared before, not knowing how doesn’t have to stop you. I didn’t know how to run a business when I started, but I took the leap anyway.
What often holds people back isn’t lack of knowledge; it’s the fear or beliefs that create internal resistance. When we clear those limitations, we open ourselves up to see what’s truly possible.
So, my invitation to you is to take some time to test out your goals. Imagine yourself achieving them, try them on for size, and notice how your body responds. If you find resistance or discomfort, don’t see it as a block—see it as an opportunity to grow, to clear the way, and to align your nervous system with the life you’re ready to create.
Rewiring Your Patterns
When it comes to identifying and overcoming mental and emotional barriers, it’s really about recognising the patterns you’ve been operating from. These patterns are the mental and emotional “grooves” your brain has established over time.
If you’ve been running a particular thought or behaviour pattern—let’s say it’s one of doubt or hesitation—that’s where your brain will naturally default to. That’s simply how it’s wired right now.
But here’s the thing: I don’t see these patterns as a problem. In fact, the more awareness we have of where we’re operating from, the more empowered we are to make changes.
For example, when I work with a client who’s been stuck in a particular pattern, and we identify what’s happening and why, it’s not about judgment. Instead, it’s about saying, “Great! Now we know where you’re operating from, and we can create a new pathway.”
That’s all it is—it’s about retraining the brain, and the good news is that it’s absolutely possible. This is the beauty of neuroplasticity. Your brain has the capacity to change, to build new connections, and to create new patterns.
But we have to do something to rewire those patterns. It’s like wanting to lose weight but refusing to leave the couch—you can’t expect a new outcome without taking new actions. The same goes for your mind. If we want to think, feel, or behave differently, we have to actively train our brains.
This isn’t about perfection or fixing what’s “wrong.” It’s about recognising where we are, understanding our patterns, and consciously choosing to create new ones that better serve us.
So, the question is: What patterns are you currently operating from? And what would it look like to begin retraining your brain to support the life you want to create?
The Power of Belief
Another insight I want to share is this: If you don’t believe in what you can achieve, you’re going to create obstacles.
It’s as simple and as powerful as that.
Your belief system is the foundation for everything you do. If you don’t truly believe in your ability to achieve your goals, your mind will create excuses, resistance, and self-sabotage—whether you realise it or not. It’s like putting a block in the road before you’ve even started the journey.
I’ve seen this time and again with clients. They might have all the tools, strategies, and support they need, but if they’re not backing themselves with belief, they struggle to take action or maintain momentum.
This isn’t about pretending to be overly confident or dismissing doubts. It’s about acknowledging where your beliefs might be holding you back and taking steps to strengthen them. Belief doesn’t mean having all the answers; it means trusting that you can figure things out along the way.
When you truly believe in your ability to achieve something, you create a foundation of possibility. You’ll naturally take actions aligned with your goals because you trust in your potential.
So, take a moment to check in with yourself:
- Do you truly believe in the goals you’ve set for yourself?
- Are there limiting beliefs whispering, I can’t do this, or, This isn’t possible for me?
If you find those doubts creeping in, don’t ignore them. Acknowledge them and work to release them, whether through journaling, EFT tapping, or even seeking support from a coach or therapist. Strengthening your belief in yourself isn’t just mindset work—it’s the groundwork for everything you want to achieve.
Because when you believe, you make space for action, growth, and success to flow into your life.
Unlock Your Best Year Yet with a Personalised Mindset Strategy Session
Are you ready to make 2025 the year you unlock your full potential and achieve your biggest goals?
To help you to launch into 2025, I’m offering you a two-hour one-on-one strategy session. This is your opportunity to gain clarity, overcome limiting beliefs, and create a powerful roadmap for success in 2025.
What’s Included in Your Mindset Strategy Session?
In this highly personalised session, you’ll work directly with me to:
- Gain clarity on your goals and intentions for 2025.
- Identify and release limiting beliefs or hidden mental blocks holding you back.
- Work with your superconscious mind to rewire thought patterns and align your brain for success.
- Learn EFT tapping techniques tailored to keep your mindset and momentum strong throughout the year.
- Develop a strategic action plan to achieve your goals with confidence and ease.
Plus: You’ll receive a full recording of the session, allowing you to revisit the strategies and insights whenever you need them throughout the year.
Bonus: 12 Months of Free Access to The Wellbeing Platform – Worth £997
When you book your session, you’ll also gain 12 months of free access to The Wellbeing Platform, a comprehensive resource to elevate your mindset and wellbeing.
Here’s what you’ll get:
- Mindset Mastery Section: Become the architect of your life with cutting-edge techniques drawn from neuroscience, positive psychology, energy psychology, NLP, solution-focused psychotherapy, and emotional intelligence. These tools will enable you to rewire your thinking and step into your fullest potential.
- Over 20 Transformational EFT Tapping Videos: Align yourself energetically with your goals and experience instant emotional shifts. These videos will transform the way you think and feel in minutes, giving you the tools to stay aligned with your intentions.
- Emotional Resilience Resources: Develop the ability to approach 2025 with calm, peace of mind, and a sense of control—no matter what life throws your way.
- Quantum Flow Section: Learn and practice Quantum Flow, a transformative technique to elevate your energy, burn fat, cleanse your body, and enhance your ability to manifest your desires and goals. This technique helps release stagnant energy from the lower energy centres, leaving you feeling light, empowered, and confident.
- Access to Our Brand-New Community: Share your wins, ask questions, and gain support from a community of like-minded individuals on the same transformational journey as you.
You’ll get access to all of this for a full 12 months, providing you with ongoing support to stay aligned, inspired, and on track.
An Unmissable Opportunity
This means you’re getting a total value of over £1,500 for just £549 + VAT—a chance to start 2025 with clarity, alignment, and access to tools that will keep you inspired and motivated all year long.
This exclusive offer is only available until 31 January 2025, and once it’s gone, it’s gone for good.
Sara Maude is an Edinburgh Hypnotherapist, Solution-Focused Psychotherapist, EFT Practitioner, Transformational Coach and International Wellbeing Trainer providing in-person and online sessions. Sara provides problem-free therapy which goes deep into the heart of the unconscious mind to create powerful lasting change.