Does the thought of presenting or speaking in public have you…
  • Going into a blind panic 
  • Worrying about embarrassing yourself
  • Fearing people judging you
  • Thinking of all the ways you can get out of the presentation
  • Losing valuable sleep
  • Being swamped with physical sensations
Trust me you are not alone! The fear of public speaking and presenting is the number of biggest fear people have!
You can relax, because you have come to the right place to say goodbye to your fear of presenting!
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Presentation Anxiety Hypnotherapy: Conquer Fear and Shine

Are you ready to swap feeling anxious about presentations to feeling calm, relaxed and comfortable? Then your research has brought you to the right place!
Feelings of anxiety are intense and potentially debilitating at the best of times. And when you’re having a meltdown every time you hear the word ‘presentation’ you may be thinking it’s time to swap jobs! Trust me you are not alone. I’ve seen CEO’s, Managing Directors, Marketing Directors and University Lecturers all sitting where you are. All of them with the same insecurities about being judged or embarrassing themselves. All of them trying to cope with the overwhelming fears and physical sensations of speaking in public.
Add into the mix feeling anxious about feeling anxious you reach the conclusion, there has to be a solution! And you’ve found it – Hypnotherapy for presentation anxiety.
Hypnosis is the gateway to your unconscious mind. You might not realise it, but you are operating from the unconscious mind around 95% of the time. Hypnosis gives access to the unconscious mind. Like a big storehouse of programmes, I’ll use hypnosis to change the way you think and feel. Using hypnosis I can also change how you behave and any beliefs which are holding you back.
Hypnotherapy for presentation anxiety is a brilliant way to treat anxiety. Old doubts, fears, memories and insecurities are put to bed. When you change how you think and feel anxiety about presenting becomes a thing of the past.
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You can join the long list of testimonials from other people who discovered hypnotherapy for presentation anxiety. 

“I really can’t thank you enough for helping me fundamentally change the way I think! I can’t quite believe I’m saying this but I think I actually ENJOYED the talk I did at the Women in Tech event! I was able to completely be myself, without that feeling I used to have that I was deficient in some way. I seem to now realise that I can only be myself, and that there’s nothing wrong with that. I approached the talk in a completely different way to the way I normally would. I thought about what I could offer that was unique to me, and not about what I thought I SHOULD say. I got fantastic feedback and even managed to handle a surprise panel discussion! I also notice that I have lost the anxious feeling that I normally have when someone questions me unexpectedly, and I am much more able to be confident in myself. So, you are truly an angel, I’m so glad I found you.”
You are already one step closer to waving goodbye to presentation anxiety!
When you book your free consultation I’ll spend time getting to know you and explain how I’ll treat and neutralise all the fears and anxieties you have about presentations, talks and public speaking.

You can look forward to…

  • Releasing the root cause of your presentation anxiety
  • Letting go of unconscious  beliefs that have been holding you back 
  • Feeling calm and relaxed about presentations
  • Being yourself when giving presentations
  • Feeling good about who you are!