Stress.  The word stress is very common, and it’s possible you have found your way to this website because you personally need help with managing your own stress.

Having spent over 10 years working in the corporate world, I can completely understand what it means to feel stressed and how much it affects so many areas of your life including your productivity at work.

This is one of the reasons I set up The Mind Solution, a training company that teaches employees how to build personal resilience.

Hypnotherapy Edinburgh Stress Relief

Combing my HR background with my professional psychotherapy training, The Mind Solution provides training programmes that give employees like yourself and colleagues, the knowledge tools and resources about how to build resilience together with a deeper understanding of how to manage stress.

Benefits of investing in stress management training

  • Employees who are better equipped to manage adversity and change
  • An increase in productivity and performance levels
  • Reduction in the cases and cost of absence
  • Improvement in employee engagement

What makes our stress management courses different…

Our stress management courses teach employees exactly what stress is about. We firmly believe the more people understand about the physical stress response, often known as the fight and flight response, the greater awareness  they will have to manage stress effectively.

Going beyond the traditional training methods we teach how to build resilience at a physical, emotional and mental level.

Our stress management training courses can be specifically tailored for organisation to include;

  • Understand the stress response and how it effects you and your performance
  • Learn about he difference between stress and pressure and how to keep performing well under pressure
  • Discover specific strategies for how to manage stress effectively in the short and long term
  • Effective strategies to get a great nights sleep
  • Understand what resilience is and how to develop your own source of resilience
  • Mood and food – gain insight into what to eat to keep stress at bay and boost your energy and vitality
  • Learn the optimum way to bounce back quickly

How can I find out more?

To find out how we can help to give your organisation what they need to enable their employees to manage stress and build resilience email us at or use the contact form on the contact page.